Topic: A Group Tour Guide System with RFIDs and Wireless Sensor Networks
Arthurs:Po Yu Chen、Wen Tseun Chen、Cheng Han Wu、Yu-Chee Tseng、Chi-Fu Huang
This paper proposes a new application framework for group tour guiding services based on RFIDs and wireless sensor network. We consider a sensing field mixed with multiple independent tourist groups, each with a leader and several members. Members of a
group will follow the moving path of their leader, but may occasionally roam around randomly based on their interest. Sensor nodes have to track leaders’ locations and maintain following paths from members to leaders. A member may ask where his/her leader is, and a leader may “recall” his/her members. We propose a feasible solution to such an application by using existing technologies.
A group guiding protocol is presented. The design enables reliable group guiding at low cost and low traffic load.

這系統不需要使用大量的演算法,只是透過Sensor Network與RFID的群組的方式,來達成團隊呼叫的模式,有如線上的母雞帶小雞的服務模式,應該也可以應用在KOISK的環境上。

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2 意見:

    On 2011年8月1日 下午5:15 匿名 提到...

    I've just stubled upon this site [url=][/url], could I just borrow the technical
    articles from the web site or do I need some kind of permission?. I'm writing a school project.


    On 2011年8月1日 晚上9:18 Jones 提到...

    That's ok for your request.
    Please left the original source form the site.



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